Stars for Veterans

The Eagle Scouts have always been associated with service through Duty, Honor and Country. Much like the Veterans that we are honoring through the Veterans Memorial dedication in 2015, the Eagle Scouts have honored the flag that these Veterans carry into battle.

Saved American flag star (2014) picture retreat from CFBRAA database.

Saved American flag star (2014) picture retreat from CFBRAA database.

When each  United States flag is honorably  retired,  it is disassembled and  destroyed. CFBRAA  has acquired approximately 50 of  the retired flag stars  that were saved by an Eagle Scout.

The stars are encased in regular lamination  and are meant as a memento of  selfless service to our great nation.

“This star has been saved from the fire,  the remainder of the flag has been respectably retired by Boy Scout Troop 51 Frisco, Texas.”

The back of  the star presents  an honoring of Veterans  and their selfless service to  his and her country  through these words:

“I am tattered, torn and worn.  Ready to be burned.  Now I am a treasured  given to you by a grateful nation  who honors you for your service and sacrifice.  Because of you,  I was able to fly over the land  of the free.  Thank you  for your service.”

Stars for Veterans (2014) Retrieved from CFBRAA archive.

Stars for Veterans (2014) Retrieved from CFBRAA archive.

With every $10 or more donation to  the CFBRAA  Veterans Memorial Fund,  a Star  will be sent  to the donor . The donations  will  go  toward  the dedication ceremony  on Veterans Day  2015,  and the maintenance of  the Veterans Memorial and  the Cal Farley’s boys ranch cemetery.

The number of stars ordered by single person is only limited  to the amount  of stars on hand  and  the delivery of these stars  are on a first  order  first receive  basis.

There are limited amount of stars.  So it is important to get  your donation in as soon as possible.

To  Donate and receive a star:

1. Go to – to view information.

2.  Ways to   donate:

A. Use PayPal at

(1)  Clicking on the Donations / Support Area.

(2).  Make sure to  annotate  the funds need to go to  the  Veterans Memorial Fund.

B. Contact Bobby Sarpalius at (817) 788-8782

The Memorial Star would make excellent gift for a veteran and provide for a worthy cause.   Donate today  before  this unique  gift is gone!

Cal Farley’s boys ranch alumni Association (CFBRAA) is a 501(C)(3) organization  identification number   27-1731105.

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